Samhub & Agenda 2030

"Maybe we can’t do everything, but we can all do something." Linked to Agenda 2030, Brain Nordic have identified a few focus areas together with Almis Framtidsgeneratorn.

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We have identified the following areas as parts of Agenda 2030 that we already focus on or as areas where we can improve. These are an active part of our daily work and long term strategies.

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Protect the fundamental freedoms

We believe that personal integrity is a fundamental right for any open and democratic society. We continuously work to protect and improve it through innovative and mindful technology.

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Increase share of renewable energy

By being responsible purchasers we can influence our providers and actively select providers that focus on renewable energy sources and becoming climate neutral.

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Promote economic productivity

We want to make our societies more productive through inovation and improving existing technologies. We want aim to challenge existing business models and make our clients more productive through the software we provide.

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Education for a sustainable global citizenship

By developing technologies that protect the individual integrity, and by spreading the knowledge and awareness actively we contribute to create a global culture that is mindful of the fundamental rights to privacy.

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Sharing knowledge and innovation

Sharing is caring and at Brain Nordic we care about our fellow men, women and children. We do this by encouraging common solutions that are scalable and innovative in terms of resource allocation, privacy & integrity as well as building the global knowledge.

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Encourage sustainable methods

We believe in leading by example. We share resources in our daily business, and actively communicate this to partners and clients. We share office spaces, car pools and prioritize eco friendly traveling.

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Increase skills for financial safety

Education is the true social divider. By always promoting further education, taking on trainees and encouraging our employees to educate themselves we can increase the competence in society at large as well as within our business.

1. Strive to comply to legislation regarding sustainability
On a scale of 0-4 we identify us as a 3, and aim to hit a 4 in no more than 3 years time. We will do this in two parts: 1: understand the legislation better and what the requirements are. 2: Keep the legislation in mind as we develop our business and procure external resources.

2. Control and check sustainability effects
In this area we identify us as a 1 out of 0-4. This is because we do not monitor or compare the impact of our choices, but the all choices we make has a strong sustainability focus.. We strive to be at a 3 in this area, in three years time.

3. Invests in the common
Here we identified our current position as a 2 out of 0-4. This is becaus ethe technologies we develop is striving t o help the transition into a more privacy mindful future. But this does not mean that t we are content. We will continue to develop our approaches to focus even more on this and hit a 3 in 3 years time.

4. Creates new sustainable values
In this area we identify ourselves as a 4. Because the foundation for our business is built on sustainability and the technologies we develop aim to make our clients more productive, make the online experience more integrity mindful and this is a clear goal for us going forward. In this area we aim to maintain and even make our position here stronger.

5. Cooperate strategically
In this area of focus we consider ourselves as a 2, or even 2+. Because we try to share attitudes and find partners outside of our business. Partners like Högskolan Borås where we try to impact future educations, partners like Almi that help us and other become more sustainable and by sharing publically and cooperating across networks strengthens all aspects of society.


Activity: Participation in the University of Borås project “Expertkompetens – avancerad utbildning för yrkesverksamma”. Outcome: Influence the future educations of students to better match our needs and the needs of the market. Contributes to: Goal 4:4 When: 2021 Q2 – 2022 Q2.


Activity: Use providers that lessen the carbon imprint for the company: use phone solution that does not require physical phones. Outcome: remove the need for physical electronic products. Contributes to: Goal 12:6 When: 2022 Q2.


Activity: Referral for IHM Business School in regards to developing a new program for the school. Outcome: Contributed to the business aspect of the program and gave feedback on the different parts of the program. Confirmed the need for data analysts on the market so that the IHM Business School can get their course approved. Contributes to: Goal 4:4 When: 2022 Q2.


How will we do it?

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Increase skills for financial safety

We take on trainees that are early in their career choices, so that they will better understand what the job market will demand of them. This will hopefully leave them better equipped once they hit that market.

We train our employees to have them better equipped for the task at hand, but also for the day they move on to their next job.

We believe that by encouraging education we will contribute to society as a whole, pulling our straw to the stack.

We want to put in place programs that do this in a structured way that gives equal opportunity to all that apply for positions or internships.

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Fundamental freedoms

We have built our platform on the principle of “Privacy by design”. We do not hold any personal information in clear text, unless explicitly request by our clients.

We product develop with the integrity of the individual in mind. As our services develop we ask ourselves: Can we do better? Push the boundaries. How has it been done before? Has all the data stored been necessary? We can save both resources and exposure of information by rethinking and by innovating.

We keep this at the forefront in all our strategies going forward. We are a good way on our way, but we can do even more.

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Promote economic productivity

Our services are designed to make businesses more productive. Lessen the space between seller and buyer of media. Increase efficiency and become less dependent on external resources.

Through automation and technology we make our clients smarter, faster and more successful. We believe that data, insights and understanding is not only for the big and already successful. It is for all, large or small. Established or Start-up.

This is a part of our business model and offer to the market. We WILL get a black belt in this.

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Education for a sustainable global citizenship

By leading the way of what is possible and still keeping the integrity of the individual in mind we can lead by example. Because an infringement on the integrity of one market or country is an infringement on the global collective.

We will try to share even more, become an active player in this space and do our very best to influence others to follow.

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Sharing knowledge and innovation

We strive to establish new standards when it comes to how information is stored, shared and maintained.

Sometimes we share the details, sometimes the concepts and sometimes the direction. We are after all a commercial business operating in a highly competitive market. We want to do more, without exposing our intellectual property. It is a fine line but we will try to walk it.

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Encourage sustainable methods

We share resources with others. Our office spaces are shared with others. We have car pools instead of company cars. We select trains before planes when possible. Consciously.

We share this mindset publicly in the hopes that others will follow. But we can do more.

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Increase skills for financial safety

We have chosen providers that have the common goal of 100% renewable energy resources. We will keep doing this.

Next steps are to quantify our contribution, how far we have come and ask the hard questions of our suppliers.