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DEP3: From 3P Cookies to 1P Solutions: A Decade of Innovation

As the founder and CEO of Samhub, I've led the transition from third-party reliance to pioneering first-party data strategies, enhancing digital marketing effectiveness. Through initiatives like the BRAIN project, we've set new benchmarks for collaborative data management among publishers. Looking ahead, the integration of AI and machine learning at Samhub promises to revolutionize our approach, maintaining our competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market.


Navigating the Shifts in Data Management: A Personal Journey

I’m Martin Bergqvist, the founder and CEO of Samhub. Over the past decade, I’ve been at the forefront of transforming how publishers manage and leverage data, steering through the evolving landscape of digital marketing. Our journey at Samhub, initiated by the majority of Swedish morning press, has been about adapting to these shifts from third-party reliance to robust first-party data strategies. This transition is not just technical; it’s about aligning with modern privacy standards and meeting the changing expectations of both consumers and advertisers.

The Evolution of Publisher Data Management

My journey began in the trenches of Sweden’s biggest media houses, where early efforts to enrich and share data across publisher domains were taking shape. We launched ambitious projects like the BRAIN project, which was a significant stepping stone in collaborative data management. This initiative wasn’t just about technology; it was about creating a community of publishers who could collectively address common challenges and set new benchmarks for data utilization in publishing.

But the road is seldom straight to the goal. The project didn’t take off as third-party cookies leveraged data to the buyers rather than the sellers. At the same time I saw how the GDPR would heavily impact this technology, how user behaviour wa schaning and also technological changes limiting tracking tracking and data collection. Tjhis was long before the topic of phasing out cookies came up, and we have a saying in Sweden: “Damned be the one that gives up”

So we pivoted and bided our time, helping advertisers instead of publishers. And in this pivot we learned a lot about how similar problems advertisers and publishers actually are. And now the shift is happening, publishers and media want to take control over their data.

Shifts in the Data Landscape

As the digital ecosystem evolved, so did the tools and strategies we used. The decline of third-party cookies catalyzed a crucial pivot towards first-party data—a shift that was both a challenge and an opportunity. At Samhub, we embraced this change by developing a comprehensive data platform that not only complied with GDPR but also enhanced our ability to deliver targeted, effective advertising solutions. This shift was fundamental, not just for compliance but for maintaining the relevance and value of our advertising inventories.

Case Studies and Practical Applications

In Samhub, we leveraged technologies like the DMP, the CDP, contextual analysis and the rest of the integration layers needed to leverage 1st party data properly to create a complete publisher data solution. This in order to refine audience segmentation and targeting. These tools allowed us to transform raw data into actionable insights, enabling publishers to deliver more personalized and relevant advertising experiences. Our successes here highlight the power of innovative data management solutions in responding to market needs and driving business growth.

Our client and former owner Stampen Media in Gothenburg, Sweden was the first publisher independent of 3rd party cookies for their ad targeting. Through our Media platform.

We are currently launching the ID-free audience sharing with Mediakompaniet, Swedens largest collaborative ad network, making first party data sharing not only easy, but safe and non-intrusive in terms of privacy and integrity. And the GDPR.

Current Challenges and Opportunities

The current media landscape presents a complex set of challenges, especially with the increasing dominance of platforms like Google and Facebook. However, these challenges also offer unique opportunities for publishers to assert their value through sophisticated data strategies. At Samhub, we see these as opportunities to strengthen our relationships with publishers, using consented, high-quality first-party data to offer transparency and trust in an industry often clouded by uncertainty and “black box” solutions.

However, in an industry with a lot of focus on “single” problems, i.e. Ad creative platform, tracking service, ad server/SSP, Online data management (DMP), customer data management (CDP), reporting tools, and so on, the setup often gets extremely complex and costly, and no-one takes responsibility for the full flow of data from advertiser to publisher. And the reason for this is obvious – it is really complex to setup this type of data ecosystem. 

And that is why it has taken us time.

But now we have a service that can connect advertiser first-party data to publisher first-party data without sharing user information.

Strategic Advice for Publishers

My advice to media & publishers is straightforward: start small, think big, and scale smartly. Focus on developing a data management strategy that is flexible and scalable, one that can adapt to technological advancements and regulatory changes. Emphasizing standards in data management will ensure your efforts are both efficient and compatible across the industry, making your data a powerful asset rather than a burden.

Future Outlook and Technological Advancements

Looking forward, the integration of AI and machine learning into our data management practices at Samhub promises to further refine how we utilize data. These technologies will enable us to achieve unprecedented personalization and efficiency, setting new standards for what publishers can accomplish with their data assets. As we continue to navigate these changes, staying ahead of the curve will be key to maintaining our competitive edge.

What I have learned

It has been a long and winding journey. But I believe that if you know, really know, that you solve a real problem – even if your clients aren’t aware of them yet, then you need to have stamina and endurance.

My journey has been one of pivots, shifts, bad decisions and good decisions. It is all about moving forward, one decision at a time. Preferably fast decisions, even without enough information.

What I see is that the journey of data management in publishing is ongoing and ever-evolving. At Samhub, we are committed to leading this charge, ensuring that our strategies and services  not only respond to current trends but also anticipate future shifts. By embracing these evolutions, we empower publishers to thrive in a digital age dominated by data.

Our mission is clear: to transform challenges into opportunities and to continuously innovate in ways that benefit our industry and the consumers we serve.

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