๐ŸŽ‰  New feature launch: Marketing Dashboard

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More than a data platform - tools to level up and grow

Once you have your data structure in place you can start making use out of the new information. With the add-ons available in Samhub you can start building better advertiser relationships, understand your readers and visitors and become more data-driven i all aspects.

Trusted by leading media houses in the Nordics

Having the data is not enough, you need to use it to create competitive advantages

As we created the Samhub platform we have become intimately familiar with all the aspects of digital marketing and the challenges facing media houses today.

Add-ons that deliver more value from your data

Samhub for Media Add-ons are designed to make more use of the data that we create for you. Having the asset of data in place is just the first step, next you need to utilize it in your business to drive growth. 
Getting started with data

Data Powered Campaign Analytics and Reporting

The natural touchpoint with the advertisers are the reports delivered upon the completion of a campaign, and a great starting point for a conversation about the advertisers audience and customers, and thereby data.
The average campaign report is not very sexy, unfortunately

We know how it usually looks when it comes to campaign reports, an Excel with impressions, clicks and CTR.

Sales teams are hesitant to add new products

If you can’t explain it you don’t want to talk about it as a sales person. With Samhub we give you the support you want.

Managing tracking is time consuming and error prone

Adops are super busy and every manual step adds complexity. With Samhub you automate the process and remove errors.

Understand your audiences

Media Analytics to Complete the Big Picture

Samhub Media Analytics is a way to understand the full network traffic and get a new perspective on the content you produce, the audience you engage and the match to the commercial side of the business.
More information about your traffic and websites

Segment your traffic based on Mosaic Lifestyles, add a reliable layer of information to your web analytics.

What content resonates with what audience and why

See what content engages what audience and get better at serving them at the right time.

Match the who you engage to the demand from sales

View the visitors the same way that the sales team views them, better communication is key for growth.

Editorial services

Personalisation for Higher Engagement

You are competing with Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook for user engagement. In order to provide great user experiences you need to serve the readers the way they expect to be served: the right content at the right time.
Use your first-party data and relationship with the readers

By building trust you will get the consent to use data to better serve your readers, you know them better than anyone.

See what is trending in different audiences and use it

Combine the data sets like your traffic, behaviour and login data so you know what is resonating with what audience.

Use your full data set into serving your content better

In Samhub we can combine user behaviour with context, geography and life phase to tell you what to serve to who and when.

Samhub Partner Program

For a Data-driven Sales Process

The Samhub Partner Program is a way for publishers and media to create a full media hub for their customers with access to site analytics, marketing analytics and a custom marketplace to expose your media offer to your clients in dedicated workspaces.
Tracking free data matching for B2C-companies

With Samhub Partner Program your customers get access to the same data that you have, and you can match with them without intrusive and unsafe tracking.

A data powered sales process to build long relationships

We have created a easy to follow process that starts with the advertisers customers that leads both the sales and the advertiser to better results.

Become a competitive digital player in media sales

With a state of the art analytics platform you will be perceived as a real digital player that can compete with the local digital agencies.

Why Publishers & Media choose Samhub

With Samhub for Media you get access to the full Samhub first-party data platform. All inclusive data solution that combines a DMP with a CDP and data enrichment capabilities for maximum monetisation opportunities.
Truly Data-driven
They become a data-driven media house that have full first party data control.
Full transparency
They bring a much needed transparency into digital marketing, no black box.
Cost-effective tech
A complete first-party data stack at the fraction of the cost.
Sales tools
We provide tools to give your sales team the edge to win back customers.
Full monetisation
Samhub connects to all channels where data can increase CPM-levels.
One script integration to get you started makes time to market as easy as 1-2-3.

Add more channels to your media mix

Get the full data picture, combine your community tools with your business data to provide a single source of insight.

Display advertising creates reach and brand awareness.


Video advertising is an engaging and popular form of content.

Native PPC

Editorial style advertising that lead directly to your site, pay per click.


Mobile games are the fastest growing media channel.


Digital Outdoor advertising creates great brand perception and impact.


On-demand TV and video is the new consumer behaviour. 

Learn more about Samhub for Media