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SCHREMS II: What It Means for Web Analytics and Digital Marketing

The SCHREMS II ruling is having a major impact on web analytics and digital marketing. The new regulations changes the way companies collect and store data, making it more difficult to gather customer information.This could have a significant impact on how businesses operate online, so it is important to understand the implications of SCHREMS II. In this article, we will discuss the impact of SCHREMS II on web analytics and digital marketing.

What is SCHREMS II and what are its implications for web analytics and digital marketing?

SCHREMS II is a European Union data protection law that came into effect on May 25, 2018. It replaced the EU’s 1995 Data Protection Directive. SCHREMS II imposes new and more stringent data protection requirements on companies that process the personal data of EU citizens. SCHREMS II also gives individuals greater control over their personal data. Among other things, SCHREMS II requires companies to get explicit consent from individuals before collecting, using, or sharing their personal data.

SCHREMS II also gives individuals the right to know what personal data is being collected about them, the right to have that data erased, and the right to object to its use. These rights will make it more difficult for companies to collect and use website data for web analytics and digital marketing purposes.

How can businesses adapt to the new regulations of SCHREMS II?

Businesses can adapt to the SCHREMS II regulations by ensuring that they have a data protection officer (DPO) on staff who is responsible for ensuring that all data handling practices comply with the new regulations.

In addition, businesses should consider encrypting all customer data to protect it from unauthorized access. Finally, businesses should create a policy for dealing with data breaches and make sure that all employees are aware of the policy.

What are the potential consequences of not complying with SCHREMS II?

The potential consequences of not complying with SCHREMS II include fines of up to €20 million or four percent of a company’s global annual revenue, whichever is greater. In addition, companies that violate SCHREMS II could be barred from doing business in the EU.

Final thoughts on SCHREMS II and its impact on web analytics.

SCHREMS II is a regulatory change that will have a significant impact on how data is processed and shared by companies doing business in the European Union. SCHREMS II will also affect how web analytics and digital marketing are conducted within the EU. As a result, businesses should begin to plan now for how they will adapt their operations to comply with SCHREMS II.

While SCHREMS II will create some challenges for businesses, it is also an opportunity to build greater trust with customers by being transparent about how their data is used and ensuring that it is protected. By taking steps to prepare for SCHREMS II now, businesses can position themselves to not only comply with the new regulations, but also to thrive in the new digital economy.

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