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Why is data important for growth?

A good analysis of customer data can contribute to a greater understanding of who the customer is. This includes what interests they have, how they behave, and how you as a company can reach them in the best way.


However, starting from data and insights is not a matter of course for all companies. Many companies today still do not have a strong data culture, which means that data is not a natural part of their decision-making.

Human presenting ideas about company growth.

With the great potential that data has, however, it should be a high priority for all companies to implement database-based decision-making processes. Data therefore contributes to insights that can then be used to retain and find new potential future customers and thereby grow as a company.


Strategic Audience Map is a service that matches internal data against market data in the form of Mosaic ™ Lifestyles – the leading market segmentation in the Nordic region.


Strategic Audience Map analyzes your web traffic, your digital campaigns and your customers in a simple and flexible way, and creates insights that you can use in your marketing and customer activities.

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