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2022 and third-party cookies

The third-party cookie has long been the basis for effective digital marketing, web analytics and personalization. Third-party cookies are used to collect large amounts of data about users, but after the turn of the year, the Chrome browser will start blocking third-party cookies. Something that both Safari and Firefox have been doing for a long time.

The new arrangement requires e-retailers to start building a closer relationship with their customers in order to get them to hand over data directly to the e-retailer. At the same time, new systems are being created for tracking users behavior on the web.

The rollout of iOS 14 means further tightening of restrictions for both first-party cookies and third-party cookies. As early as 2017, Apple began to become increasingly strict in how they handled cookies. Google has dragged its feet on the cookie issue, but at the turn of the year (2022), their popular browser Chrome will start blocking third-party cookies in their default setting. Because Chrome has over 60 percent of the browser market, that means the end of the third-party cookie.

The battle for third-party cookies is about controlling the entire internet. Here, Apple is challenging giants like Google and Facebook on how the internet will work in the future. Integrity is opposed to the possibility of very accurate advertising.

It is important to distinguish between first-party cookies and third-party cookies. For example, a first-party cookie can save products placed in a shopping cart until the next time you visit it. Send a third-party cookie to a third party, such as Facebook or a company that wants to know how to proceed from an ad. It is third-party cookies that make retargeting possible.

The problem with third-party cookies is that there has been an automatic collection of large amounts of data, many times without the user being given a chance to choose whether they want to share the information or not. Third-party cookies from several different websites can also be used to build a user profile of your interests and your online behavior. If data in the cake is linked, for example, to an e-mail address, it is also possible to identify individuals’ surfing behavior. But now the third-party cookie is being phased out by browsers blocking them.

Strategic Audience Map (SAM), on the other hand, is a service that can analyze your web traffic, completely without the support of third-party cookies. Book a meeting with us and we will tell you more!

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