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DEP5: Observations from the 2023 IAB Swedens Programmatic Event

At the IAB Sweden Programmatic Event 2023, discussions highlighted the critical role of data in driving the future of advertising and the internet. Speakers like Arba Kokalari emphasized the need for mindful data use amidst rising scrutiny, while panels explored expanding programmatic into new channels and tackling environmental concerns in digital advertising. This event underscored the importance of innovation and adaptability in our rapidly evolving industry, inspiring a forward-looking approach to programmatic advertising.


Welcome back to DEP, the Data Enrichment Pod. Today, I’m excited to share a comprehensive recap and my personal reflections on the recent IAB Sweden Programmatic Event 2023. Hosted in a fantastic venue equipped with an impressively wide screen, the event gathered a vibrant crowd of programmatic aficionados, creating an electric atmosphere conducive to learning and networking.

The event was impeccably organized by IAB Sverige. Hosts Henric Smolak and Emilia Nilsson excelled, striking the perfect balance between professionalism and a welcoming atmosphere. Their efforts set the stage for a series of enlightening presentations and discussions that have left a significant impact on my understanding and outlook on the future of programmatic advertising.

The IAB Sweden Programmatic Event 2023 covered a broad spectrum of topics. Key sessions addressed the current state and the future of programmatic advertising, focusing on both the opportunities it presents and the challenges it faces in a rapidly evolving digital ecosystem.

One standout session revolved around the imminent phase-out of third-party cookies—a pivotal change that will significantly alter the programmatic landscape. Experts discussed various alternative strategies, such as the adoption of first-party data frameworks and contextual targeting techniques, emphasizing the need for new solutions that respect user privacy while still delivering personalized experiences.

Another significant discussion centered on the balance between personalization and privacy. With first-party data at the helm of my professional endeavors, I’ve observed firsthand the delicate interplay between consumer expectations for personalized content and their rightful demands for privacy. The event underscored the industry’s ongoing challenge: innovating within these constraints to develop non-intrusive methods that still deliver on the promise of programmatic advertising.

Opening Insights

The event kicked off with insights from Arba Kokalari, whose presentation served as an eye-opener regarding the current sentiment towards data in Brussels. The narrative around data has increasingly skewed negative, with severe implications for its use in marketing and development. This discussion was particularly resonant for me, reinforcing the essential role of data in powering the internet, AI developments, and superior online user experiences. Arba’s stance on advocating for mindful data use echoed my beliefs on the necessity of data in driving sustainable growth in advertising and beyond.

Expansion into New Channels

Olle Bråne and Sarah Dayan’s presentation on the expansion of programmatic into new channels was another highlight. Their insights align closely with the feedback I receive from our customers at Samhub, who are eager to diversify their media mix and explore new advertising avenues. This alignment underscores the industry’s responsiveness to market needs and its readiness to evolve.

Statistical Insights

Daniel Knapp’s presentation was a masterclass in the quantitative aspects of programmatic and marketing. While some details were complex, his ability to distill vast amounts of data into digestible insights kept everyone engaged. His discussion, particularly the quotes from major players like Unilever, Procter & Gamble, and L’Oreal, validated the critical role of first-party data—a field where I have dedicated over a decade of my professional life.

Complexity and Impact of Programmatic Marketing

A panel featuring Björn Lindholm, Karolina Nilvang, and Jacob von Segebaden delved into the complexities of programmatic marketing. Their discussion highlighted the multifaceted nature of creating effective programmatic strategies and reaffirmed the importance of a deep understanding of various industry aspects to drive success.

Themes Explored

Data and Privacy Concerns

During the event, the evolving EU regulations on data privacy were a major focus. The introduction of stricter laws reflects a broader, global shift towards more stringent data protection frameworks. This regulatory landscape poses a unique set of challenges, particularly for those of us who have built careers around the strategic use of first-party data.

The discussions highlighted the industry’s need to navigate these regulations carefully, ensuring compliance while still leveraging data effectively. The dual aspects of opportunity and threat in data handling were debated, with many agreeing that while regulations tighten, they also spur innovation by forcing companies to rethink and refine their data strategies.

The Balance of Personalization and Privacy

Finding the equilibrium between personalization and privacy remains one of the most complex challenges facing our industry. As professionals, we need to design systems that offer users control over their data while still providing the personalized experiences that have come to define digital interactions. The event showcased several forward-thinking approaches, including more transparent consent frameworks and the potential for user-driven data management solutions.

Retail Media and New Customer Segments

The panel on Retail Media, featuring Dilem Guler and others, was particularly enlightening for me. It shed light on a new customer segment that had previously escaped my attention—retail media as “publishers.” This segment opens up new avenues for applying our expertise in first-party data and customer analytics. Our capabilities in cross-domain user matching and data cleanrooms position us well ahead of what was deemed possible by the panel, showcasing our readiness for future industry shifts.

Sustainability in Programmatic

The lecture by Scope3 and the subsequent panel moderated by Daniel Knapp with industry experts highlighted the environmental impact of our industry and the urgent need to promote sustainable practices. This discussion is a crucial reminder of our responsibility to drive the “Green Agenda” in programmatic advertising, ensuring that our innovations also consider ecological impacts.

Innovation and Market Creation

The event’s concluding panels, particularly the one discussing CTV and the innovative approach by TV4 to open up their inventory to programmatic, illustrated the dynamic nature of the industry. The discussion underscored the belief in the viability and strength of TV formats within the programmatic sphere. The anecdotal finale about a Dane who revolutionized football throw-ins paralleled my own journey in pioneering first-party data, inspiring hope that the market is finally ready to embrace the innovations we’ve been championing at Samhub.

Impact of Third-Party Cookie Phase-Out

The disappearance of third-party cookies is perhaps the most seismic shift discussed at the event. This change compels a fundamental reevaluation of how programmatic advertising operates. In my experience, the reliance on first-party data has prepared us somewhat for this shift, but the broader industry must now accelerate its adoption of alternative tracking technologies and methodologies. This situation perfectly illustrates the intersection of challenge and innovation—a theme that has defined much of my career.


The IAB Sweden Programmatic Event 2023 was a testament to the vibrant and ever-evolving nature of the programmatic advertising industry. Each session provided valuable insights into the current challenges and opportunities within the market, reinforcing the essential role of innovation and adaptability. As we continue to navigate these complex waters, the lessons learned and the connections made during this event will undoubtedly influence our strategies and solutions at Samhub, driving us toward a more integrated and responsive future in programmatic advertising.

Thank you to everyone involved for a truly enriching experience. I look forward to continuing these discussions and exploring new ideas with peers and partners alike. Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in our field.

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