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Add-on: Campaign Reports & Analytics for Media

Transform your campaign reporting with Samhub's specialized add-on for Publishers & Media, designed to leverage first-party data for comprehensive, customizable analytics that enhance advertiser confidence and sales effectiveness.

Available for: Professional & Enterprise Plans

Our reporting and analytics add-on for Publishers & Media is a way for you to take control not only over your inventory but also over how this inventory is reported for your campaigns.

This is for you if…

…you have a hard time managing third party tracking and external analytics tools and it is time consuming for your adops to keep track of which campaigns should be reported on and which should not.

…you experience fierce competition from local digital agencies that are perceived as more digitally savvy than you and put the advertisers ad spend with Google and Meta instead.

…the reports you have don’t show the big picture and are not interesting enough for the advertisers. And your sales struggle to explain the results.

…you have a need to level up your sales and lack the right tools to give them confidence enough to talk data and audiences. 

…you want to assume a more advisory role with your clients, build longer relationships instead of just selling ad inventory.

First-party Reporting & Analytics

This add-on to our Enterprise services is a way to report back to your advertisers based on your first-party data, allowing you to take back control from third-party reporting services. Use your anonymous or verified logged in users to create accurate campaign analytics that truthfully represents your audience and campaign targeting.


  • Automated campaign tracking – remove manual errors and time-consuming tracking setup that is error prone and hard to keep track of.
  • Automated report generation – no more copy paste into Powerpoint reports that all look different from the last one.
  • Advanced campaign analytics – don’t just report on age and gender, add other hyper relevant information such as income, car ownership, family situation and lifestyle as well, information that can be used in the NEXT campaign.
  • Customized report design – White label your reports to look and feel like your brand, add the information that you want to communicate, tailored for your sales team.
  • White label option – make your campaign reports and analytics get your look and feel.
  • Easy sharing – one-click report sharing and automated report email option.

Service Access:

🔵 ⎮ Professional Plan:

Anonymous Analytics – create analytics based on your own anonymous first-party user data.

Standard report design
  • Summary view – start/stop, landing page URL, targeting, geography
  • Analysis: Life-phase, Mosaic Lifestyles.
  • Performance – Impressions, Uniques, CTR, Ad creatives, Sites.
  • Layout: Standard

1 system connection – connect to your main system for campaign booking.

Samhub branding – use our Samhub user-friendly design, look and feel.

Automated campaign tracking – remove manual work and errors, fully automated.

Easy sharing one-click report sharing.

Full campaign overview – list and search all campaign reports.

🟣 ⎮ Enterprise Plan:

Identified Analytics – use your most accurate data to create accurate reports and analytics.

Custom report design

  • Summary view – Ad creative, start/stop, landing page URL, targeting, geography
  • Analysis – Age & Gender, Life phase, IAB interests, Mosaic Lifestyles, custom audiences, custom data sources.
  • Performance – Impressions, Uniques, CTR, Ad creatives, Sites.
  • Layout: Custom – design your own report layout.

White label option – add your own look and feel to the reports, custom colors and fonts.

Multi-system connection option – connect to multiple systems and unify your reporting.

Automated campaign tracking – remove manual work and errors, fully automated.

Easy sharing one-click report sharing.

Full campaign overview – list and search all campaign reports.

E-mail sending – automated campaign report emails, to your sales team or directly to your customers.

Why Stampen Media use Samhub reporting add-on:

“When we started this project, we had a ‘dream vision’ of how it would look, and the outcome has been better than we could possibly hope for. As a media house, it’s our job to be at the forefront of innovation to reclaim and grow our relationship with advertisers.”

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