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Winning in the Summer Holiday Season: Expert Tips for Effective Marketing

Summer is known to be somewhat of a slow period in the business world. Many take vacations and lie low. Sun & bath are rightly at the top of the schedule for many vacationers. However, the summer period is not only a time for relaxation, it is also a time when your marketing efforts can make a significant difference to your business. In this article, our marketing experts Henrietta and William share their thoughts and advice on marketing during the sunny holiday season!

Henrietta Larsson, Customer Success Manager

Why is it important not to put marketing on the shelf during the holidays?

– During holidays, we have more time for reflection, and are usually more open to discovering new things and trying out things that are otherwise easily overlooked and forgotten in the slightly more stressed everyday life. Therefore, it is important to market yourself during this time, to catch people’s attention and increase the chance that they will choose your company.

Where should I be visible during the summer?

– During the summer, many people spend time outdoors and on the move, for that reason I would say that it is good to be seen in these places. To be seen on outdoor advertising in town, the festival area or along the road to a busy destination. But the most important thing of all is to be seen where your customers are, regardless of the season 😉

How do I do it as efficiently as possible?

– To market yourself effectively, it is first and foremost necessary to locate and know where your customers are. It may sound difficult, but it is easy with the right solution. It is also important to be continuously visible, so that awareness of your company grows and is top-of-mind.

What is your best marketing tip for the summer?

– Before the summer, my best tip is to make a plan. When summer comes, everything will be ready to roll. That way, you can take it easy on your leave, and let the marketing do the work for you! A win win situation quite simply.

William Florin, Marketing Manager

Why is it important not to put marketing on the shelf during the holidays?

– If you are not seen, you do not exist. Yes, it’s a cliché, but it’s also true. Now begins a period of endless scrolling from the sun lounger and a feeling that it is okay to treat yourself to something extra. Don’t you want a piece of that pie?

Where should I be visible during the summer?

– Where your customers are. Always. The only correct answer regardless of whether it’s a holiday or not.

How do I do it as efficiently as possible?

– In order to be seen where your customers are, you need to know where your customers are. If you don’t already know that, there are ways to find out, like our target group analysis for example.

What is your best marketing tip for the summer?

– Start from your customers. By finding out where they are and what their needs are, you can deliver the right message to the right person and achieve the best possible impact for your budget.

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